Multichain Verification

You may specify a chainId along with an Apescan API key to submit verification for any Apescan-like explorer

1. Using the Verify Contract Endpoint

In Postman, set your request method to HTTP POST and your URL to .

Under the Body tab and using form-data, specify the "module" to contract and "action" to verifysourcecode.

All API based verification must be authenticated, include your Apescan API key under the "apikey" field.

2. Specify Your chainId

Select the chain you've deployed your contract, which is supported by an Apescan-like explorer.

Specify it under the "chainId" parameter, such as 1 for ApeChain and 8453 for Base.

3. Add Contract Source Code

We support 2 formats, solidity-single-file or solidity-standard-json-input.

Paste your source code under "sourceCode" and the code format under the "codeformat" parameter.

Optionally if your contract uses constructor arguments, you may specify them too under the "constructorArguments" parameter in ABI encoded format.

4. Add Contract Metadata

Include the contract address as "contractaddress", beginning with "0x".

Specify your contract file path and contract name separated by a colon as "contractname", such as "contracts/Verified.sol:Verified".

Select the compiler version used from this list as your "compilerversion".

5. Submitting Verification

Click Send and you'll receive a guid which you can then check on your verification status.

Last updated